Rehab Treatment in Des Plaines, IL

Right here in Des Plaines, Illinois, there are many people struggling with issues of drug and alcohol addiction. If you are one of those people with substance abuse problems or addictions, there is help available to you in the form of rehab treatment in Des Plaines. While you may think that you should go it alone when it comes to your addiction recovery process, the reality is that drug addiction treatment programs can help you more than you will ever be able to help yourself. Rehab treatment programs come in a wide variety of approaches and styles so that every individual can benefit from rehab treatment in Des Plaines. So, before you make any attempts to overcome and addiction all on your own, get to know more of the details about drug addiction treatment programs and how pursuing rehab treatment in Des Plaines can help you recover from your addiction for good.

What Is Addiction Treatment Therapy?

When you are still torn about the decision as to whether or not rehab treatment in Des Plaines is right for you, it is important to get to know exactly what goes into drug addiction treatment programs. There are several different approaches to rehab treatment programs all of which are effective for the right patient. In other words, because the people suffering from drug and alcohol addictions are so unique and different, the rehab treatment programs need to be just as varied. While there are many different approaches to rehab treatment in Des Plaines, there are some approaches that are more commonly used than others. Some of these include:

Motivational Interviewing

When the motivational interviewing approach is used to treat a drug or alcohol addiction, the treatments and therapies are all largely patient-centered. This type of addiction treatment relies largely on an addict's overall recovery and desire to recover from their addiction. Oftentimes, early on in treatment, a recovering addict may find it difficult to express why they want to recover from their addiction or to even maintain their motivation. However, with the help of motivational interviewing therapy, a recovering addict can use talk therapy techniques to help a recovering addict find their own motivation to recover from their addiction. The more motivation the person has and the more specific that motivation is the better chance they have at long-term recovery.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

In cognitive-behavioral therapy, the focus of treatment is on the thoughts and feelings a person has as well as the patterns of behavior that a person engages in. A great deal of the addiction process involves learned patterns of behavior that need to be broken if the person wants to make a full recovery from their addiction. In treatment, the recovering addict will learn how to identify their patterns of behavior as well as the thoughts and feelings that contribute to their addiction. Once they can identify these issues, they can begin to alter their patterns and learn healthy ways to deal with negative thoughts and feelings.

How Do I Know Which Therapy is Right for Me?

Knowing about a few of the approaches to drug addiction treatment programs, you may be wondering how you can know which therapy is right for you. Generally speaking, you will have an idea of what you like and dislike as far as your learning style and preferred method of therapy goes even if you have never been in drug rehab in Des Plaines before. If you know, for example, that you have trouble finding your motivation to recover and maintaining it, you may prefer a motivational interviewing approach to addiction treatment and recovery. Alternatively, if you are a person that enjoys introspection and self-reflection, cognitive-behavioral therapy would likely be a good approach for you.

The good news is that you do not have to determine which therapy is right for you all on your own. Generally, rehab treatment in Des Plaines starts with an intake interview. This interview process helps the treatment experts in the rehab center get to know the patient that will be beginning treatment including information about how severe their addiction is, how long the addiction has been going on, and the individual's tastes, personality, and preferences. When the interview is complete, the therapists and other treatment professionals can help guide you toward therapies and approaches that make the most sense for you. However, if it turns out that the choices you make early on in treatment are not the best one for you, you can always change programs or approaches to better suit your evolving and changing needs.

As you plan your addiction recovery, be sure that you keep in mind all of the options available to you in rehab treatment in Des Plaines so that you can get into the best possible treatment center for yourself and your needs. Call Des Plaines Alcohol Treatment Centers now for help (877) 804-1531.

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