Drug Detox Centers in Des Plaines, IL

When you are struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction and you are hoping to overcome that addiction, you may find yourself wondering what you can or should do in order to deal with it. Many of the people in Des Plaines and around the nation opt to try to overcome and deal with their addiction all on their own alone at home. The majority of the people that attempt to overcome their addiction on their own failure in successful addiction recovery. As such, if you are hoping to find success in your addiction treatment in Des Plaines, you may want to consider your options in drug detox centers in Des Plaines. Understanding the drug detox process and the options available to you in drug detox treatment can help you to make the best possible decision about your addiction recovery and how you plan to go about drug detox centers in Des Plaines.

What Is Drug Detox?

The drug detox process is the first step in recovering from an addiction to drugs or alcohol. It is always the first step in recovery because it is the breaking of the physical addiction or dependence on the drug or alcohol. This is the process that occurs when a person stops consuming or using an addictive drug.

In order to understand the drug detox process, it will help to have a strong understanding of how the physical addiction to drugs and alcohol works. When a person uses an addictive drug, that drug will eventually make its way to the brain. The chemicals in the drug send a variety of signals and instructions to the brain instructing it to perform and/or block certain actions. The brain is an organ capable of adapting to chemical changes in the body. As such, when a person continues to abuse a drug over a prolonged period of time, their brain will adjust to what it considers to be a new normal. The brain will then wait to perform certain actions until the drug tells it to do so, making it chemically dependent or reliant on the drug.

When a person with an addiction tries to stop using or consuming drugs, their brain and body will not know how to function without the drug in their system. This creates a chaotic situation in the body as the brain tries to find a new balance and tries to make up for the lack of the drug in the body. This chaos results in withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawals can range from being mildly uncomfortable to being severe and life-threatening. Part of the reason that it is so important to seek out drug detox treatment is to help you deal with these withdrawals under the supervision of professionals that can keep you as safe and healthy as possible.

Withdrawal Symptoms Associated with Drug Detox

The drug detox in Drug Detox Centers in Des Plaines can cause a wide variety of withdrawal symptoms. This is true whether you go through the process in drug detox treatment or on your own. Some of the most common symptoms of withdrawal associated with drug detox in Des Plaines include:

  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea
  • Fever
  • Headaches
  • Profuse sweating
  • Agitation
  • Anxiety
  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Body aches
  • Muscle cramps
  • Tremors
  • Seizures
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nightmares
  • Night sweats
  • Psychosis
  • Organ failure
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke

Given that withdrawal symptoms associated with drug detox in Des Plaines are so varied, you can see why drug detox treatment exists and how it might be helpful to you.

Why Should I Enter Drug Detox Centers in Des Plaines

One of the biggest American ideals is independence and with independence comes self-sufficiency. Because of this tendency, Americans have to try to do everything on their own and without help, many people with addictions to drugs or alcohol think that they have to suffer through the detox process alone. However, this is not the best way to go through detox. It is actually the most ill-advised way to do so.

Some of the withdrawal symptoms that people experience during detox could be life-threatening. If you try to go through detox alone at home without any help, you could suffer a heart attack or seizure and not have the access you need to medical care. This could cause you to lose your life entirely or suffer permanent health damage. However, in a drug detox treatment center, you will have the immediate care of medical professionals at your fingertips.

Another factor to consider when you are thinking about whether you should enter a drug detox center is the fact that even the supposedly mild symptoms of withdrawal do not feel mild. In fact, the cramping, nausea, and other mild symptoms can feel life-threatening. This often leads people to give up on detox before the process is complete if they are not in a treatment center. In a treatment center, the person will have no access to drugs or alcohol and will have the support of treatment professional to keep them on track. Call Des Plaines Alcohol Treatment Centers now for help (877) 804-1531.


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